Okay so it's been a full month without updates. I try not to give excuses because it's a done deal. A month has passed without updates. However, bear with me as I explain what has transpired to me the past month.
Two big events. The first one is that we moved. I was consumed by the whole moving episode. I packed, cleaned, hauled, and packed, cleaned, and hauled. What made it more challenging is that we were downsizing, so I had to minimize what I had to move. Now that we've moved, the next chapter is the unpacking. You guys know. I'm sure you've done some moving at least once in your life. One thing I discovered, moving and running don't mix. I was able to get some runs in during the week, but I missed two weekends without doing long runs. Bummer!
The other event is that my wife is getting weaker lately. As you know, my wife is fighting Stage 4 Breast Cancer. The scans have shown slight progression of the metastases in her lungs and liver. We sought a second opinion from a respected breast cancer specialist at University of California San Francisco (UCSF) Cancer Center. The prognosis is not to great. She recommended a new treatment on clinical trial but she thinks that she is too weak to handle the regimen. There is another chemo drug that she names, but our doctor thinks that it might be better to give the current treatment plan a few more cycles before we decide any change of plans. I have been staying with my wife more often everyday especially during weekends, instead of doing my running routines. When I see that she's feeling a little better, or fast asleep, then I head out to run.
Today I found myself time to do a long run. My wife was feeling relaxed and she encouraged me to do my running plans. And on the road, I promised myself to post on my blog. I'm not going to worry about the missed days to write, but I'm just going to start over. This was my motto, too, during my moving experience. Starting over.
I'm a runner so I know what it's like to get behind the starting line over again for every race. What matters is that I'm back and ready to go for it at the sound of the gun.