One more mile to go!
Dig, dig, dig!
You hear all kinds of cheer and motivation from the crowd to help you get to the finish line with all that you've got. But sometimes, because of exhaustion, your wit's end gets the better of you; and you think that all these people lining the finish line are being sarcastic. And you start to think - oh yah, why don't you try to run in my shoes!
Oh yes, I've felt the same thing in a lot of my races. I know what it feels to push it and dig deep to reach the finish line - whatever it takes! The crowd's cheers may not be working for you at that moment; but I'm sure you are also finding a way to finish the race - whatever it takes! Ultimately, one thing, a combination of things, or all of it will bring you to a glorious finish.
Lately I went through a running slump, a praying slump, and a writing slump. I am not short of the cheers and support by family and friends and readers but I was still having a hard time to get back up. However, I think all the support and prayers are falling into place. I resumed running my regular mileage; I'm able to revive my praying, and I'm back to writing posts - this is my first, after 29 days of no writing.
Whatever it takes. But what did it take to get me back? Quite a few. A few significant facebook posts from friends. Friends who are running and praying for me. My son. And of course, remembering my wife - I believe she is inspiring me to keep on going, to persevere, and to continue with this ministry.