Monday, January 7, 2013

Did you know that The Magi who followed the Star of Bethlehem travelled an exceptionally long distance to pay homage to the baby Jesus? Some theorists said that they journeyed about 1,000 to 1,200 miles. Talk about endurance and long distance. That, by early Roman Empire standards and even modern categories, is incredibly far.

In training, runners can cover that mileage over a period of time, but not without battling pain and overcoming bad days. There’s tremendous adversity to handle to complete a certain mileage to be able to successfully finish a race. It changes the life of a person so much so that it is said that, “The person who starts a race is not the same person who finishes the race.”

In a similar way, I think The Magi who travelled an ultra-long distance, were transformed. Even more so, upon seeing the star and seeing the child Jesus, they were never the same. It was the Epiphany of the Lord to The Magi and to the world. God shone the Star of Bethlehem and led them to their Lord and Savior.

This past Christmas, after another year of journeying life without my wife, I think I finally saw the star in the sky. With lots of praying and prayers from you, I was enlightened to see the joy of living in the present and leaving the past behind. My grieving may not get “done”, but my current situation can have a good outcome. All of us had troubled days, but those are now past and gone. God’s star “over the place where the child Jesus was” will bring us joy and hope for a renewed life.

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