Saturday, October 8, 2011

Runs End, Running Doesn't

So it's been a week since my last marathon.  And I'm back into running.   But it's easier said that done. The weather's getting colder and the nights are getting longer. Sometimes I just like to get it over with - just like crossing the finish line of a run and I'm all done.

I almost did not run today.  I almost did not run the last 2 runs before today. I just have a 101 valid excuses not to run tomorrow.

But while I can, I also have 101 much better reasons to go on running. Today I ran to pray for special intentions - said and unsaid.  To name a few, for a husband and father who is suffering from diabetes, for a friend's niece who is terminally  ill, for a friend who had two unfortunate car accidents in a day, for Joy who passed away yesterday from cancer and for surviving daughter, Shirlyn; for a breast cancer survivor from Ohio who fought and won over cancer two times, for Beth M's family and friends living with cancer, for Casey who had another surgery to remove cancer wrapped around her spine, for Darren, a mother of 2 girls, who is sick, and for Lisa's special intentions. These are my reasons to keep on running.

My wife wrote a love letter to me in 2001 after she completed her treatments from her initial breast cancer Stage 2 diagnosis, "Sometimes, it's just so easy to give up because cancer is so painful. But I always think of my reason to keep on living - you, my Love and our son, Tim. You are the reason for my existence and I want to continue living with you and Tim knowing how much I love you." She lived for another 10 years; she died of metastatic Stage 4 breast cancer in March 2011.

Runs end, running doesn't. Life must go on for me and I have 101 reason to keep on living.

Please send me your prayer requests or of your family and friends. Be rest assured of my prayers. Today I ran 14 miles, praying along the way, and visited 2 churches to pray as well.

Our Lady Queen of the World Church in Bay Point, CA  at Mile 4.2

St. Peter Martyr Church in Pittsburg, CA at Mile 9.7

1 comment:

  1. This is such a touching story. I, too, utilize my runs as my time alone with God in prayer. It's the solitude that rejuvenates my soul. Keep on running. Keep on living.
